Mama Needs a Minute (February - Iceland)

Day 2

Iceland in Winter = cold, right?  Even after spending preparing for it, my southern soul just can’t.  The scenery is beautiful and the people are nice, but this wind is brutal, y’all!  I brought 2 pair of gloves and they’re both pretty much useless - the thinner pair don’t really protect my hands and the thicker pair are way too awkward.  So, I’m constantly taking them off and on to use my phone or adjust my hat and headband (neither of which stay in place).  The coat, though, is awesome!  Getting dressed to leave the hotel takes both extra time and patience.  I am currently wearing 2 pair of socks, ski boots, thermals, yoga pants, bib ski pants, a sweater, zippered pullover, my coat, headband, ski cap, neck gaiter, and gloves.  I totally feel like the kid from A Christmas Story!

Okay, enough whining - I promise!

So, today was the Golden Circle tour sans the hubby.  I honestly saw some of the most beautiful scenery ever!

I witnessed sunrise at Thingvellir National Park.  The sun hitting the top of the mountains turned the snow pink.  Our guide mentioned that the tectonic plates under Iceland are separating - literally tearing the county apart and you could see the rifts at this park.  We were also very close to where Europe and North America meet - kind of a “no man’s land” area.

Stokkur Geyser was our next stop.  It was other-worldly to see steam pouring up from the ground and to hear these craters bubbling.  I joined a line of others who stood with their cameras in their hands and fingers positioned over the button - ready to capture the moment he decided to erupt.  I managed to get a few good shots before my hands just got too cold and I had to move on.

We made a quick “secret” stop that the guide told us not to mention, but you won’t tell anyone, right? We stopped to pet, feed, and snap pictures of Icelandic horses. Yes, horses - not ponies (Icelanders are adamant that they are horses) even though they are short and stocky. Check out that hair, y’all. They’re the only animal in Iceland that stays out all Winter and they shed that hair in the Spring.

Our last stop was Gullfoss Falls.  This was the most crowded spot on our tour.  After standing in line to take a few photos and videos, i decided against taking the path down for a closer look.  I headed back toward the building and got in line for lunch.  I ordered fish & chips and got a Coke Zero.  After lunch, I got some souvenirs for the girls and headed back up the bus.

After a long day on the tour, the hubby and I met up to walk around the city and stopped for dinner at Fish Market.  I ordered the Salmon and the hubby ordered the Cod.  Both were delicious!  They brought us warm bread and butter - and guys, when I say it is the best sourdough bread and the creamiest butter, I’m not lying!

Instead of dessert, we decided to grab a drink at a tiki(ish) bar called Jungle Cocktail Bar.  They have creatively named drinks like Cereal Killer that has corn flakes and Bonita Applebaum that has apples.  I actually chose a mocktail called Stairway and had them add strawberry rum.  Not heavily leaded and kinda pricey, but very good.


Mama Needs a Minute (February - Iceland)


Mama Needs A Minute (February - Iceland)