Mama Needs a Minute (February - Iceland)

Day 4 (last day)

The alarm went off at 6:00AM so that we could start to get ready for our South Coast tour.  It was again time to layer up!

After a little over an hour on the minibus, we arrived at our first sightseeing location - Skogafoss Waterfall.  Luckily, I brought my crampons- everyone was skating everywhere!  I was able to get closer than a lot of people despite my bad knees!  I just kept thinking, “God, don’t let me fall.”  Guys, this is one of the tallest waterfalls in Iceland and, unlike the waterfall from earlier this week, I got to look up at its enormity.  After snapping some photos and videos, I just stood there listening to its roar and watching the birds flying above.  Then it was time to head back to the bus.

It was another 30 minutes to our next destination - Solheimajokull Glacier.  Checking off a bucket list item, we hiked out to the glacier, which our tour guide said has been disappearing very quickly.  It was surreal to stand on the platform gazing at this thing!  The camera couldn’t capture it - you could see hues of blue!  Some people walked down a steep slope to get closer, but even with my crampons I didn’t chance it.

Our next destination a small fishing village called Vik.  It was supposed to be a 15 minute stop, but it was so windy that we were the last ones back in the bus after 10 minutes!  It was a beautiful little town on the water with a cute little church.  We seriously just took a few pictures and videos and hopped back on the bus!

Reynisfjara Beach was our next stop for lunch and sightseeing.  After grabbing lunch, we headed to the beach.  This was, by far the most unique place!  The sand is black and consists of rocks of lots of different sizes - all smooth and then black sand.  The tour guide said that Game of Thrones filmed on this beach and I can see why!  There was a cave with basalt columns and  sea stacks.  It was a true marvel!  Apparently you have to be careful if what Icelanders call “sneaky waves” - they come in on top of another wave, bringing the water much higher than expected and can carry you out.  We were careful, but we did see a woman get caught off guard and fall trying to get back quickly.

We stopped on the side of the road shortly after this to see Eyjafjallajökull Volcano - literally a jump off and on the bus!  Then, right down the road, we stopped to try to pet some horses that were not remotely interested.

Our last stop was Seljalandsfoss - which I was really looking forward to because sometimes you can walk behind the waterfall, but not today.  It was still a beauty!

After over an hour back on the minibus, it was time to hit the hotel and take off all the layers then try to find dinner.  We settled on SÆTA SVÍNIÐ Gastropub for a burger and waffle fries.  I have to say, I did not have a bad fry in Iceland!  They were all crispy on the outside and meaty inside - even in what you would think of as a touristy restaurant!  The burger (typically cooked medium rare) was done medium after I requested medium well, but it was delicious!  I added bacon.  We finished up with the devils food cake to split.  These portions were huge for European meals - more like what we get in the US.  Both of us could only eat almost half!  It was a good moist cake, though.

We spent a few minutes after the meal comparing vacations with a couple from the UK - currently loving Iceland and leaving on Sunday.  Then, off to shower and call it a night - pickup for the airport before dawn!


Mama Needs a Minute (February - Vacation Wrap-up)


Mama Needs a Minute (February - Iceland)